Tag Archives: catch-up

Playing Catch-Up

Time to play catch-up.  I feel the need to document the movies I’ve seen since my last post, because, well, I do that sort of thing.  Hopefully it’ll give you some ideas.

TiMER (2009): I was lucky enough to see a screening of this film last night.  I hadn’t heard of it until recently, but I’m glad I decided to see it.  Jac Schaeffer wrote and directed this independent film about an alternate world in which most people receive “timers,” devices which count down the days and minutes until you will meet your soul mate.  Oona (Emma Caulfield) has a blank timer, meaning her “one” hasn’t received his device yet.  Frustrated with not knowing when her true love will come along, she takes a risk and falls for Mikey (John Patrick Amedori), a younger supermarket cashier with four months left on his timer.  The plot is certainly reminiscent of recent indie fantasy comedies (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Cold Souls), but it has its own realistic flavor.  The concept is original and well-executed, and it really made me think about the way our society portrays love and commitment.  The film feels very natural in its portrayal of romantic relationships (calling to mind (500) Days of Summer), and there are a number of funny, charming moments.  I don’t think it fully lives up to its predecessors, but it’s definitely worth a viewing, if only because it’s an refreshing take on the romantic comedy.

The Virgin Suicides (1999): This rounds out my familiarity with Sofia Coppola’s trilogy (along with Marie Antoinette and Lost in Translation), at least until Somewhere comes out later this year (So excited!).  I was really impressed with how Coppola established tone in this film.  Her three films are quite different in subject matter and mood, but they all have that distinctive Sofia Coppola style.  The Virgin Suicides, her first feature-length film, tells the story of a group of sisters who attract the attention of the neighborhood boys.  The girls are sheltered by their religious parents after one of the sisters kills herself.  Coppola deftly handles this eerie subject matter.  One can understand why the boys are so fascinated with these strange girls and their strict upbringing.  The tone, especially toward the end of the film, is haunting and extemely effective.  The film also contains absolutely stunning cinematography.  It’s spot on in reflecting the girls’ ethereal nature.

Dick (1999): This is how everyone should learn about American history, along with Forrest Gump.  And 1776.  Just listen to this plot: Michelle Williams and Kirsten Dunst are ditzy teenage girls who wander away from a school trip to the White House and meet President Nixon.  They unknowingly become entangled in the Watergate coverup.  The film, directed by Andrew Fleming, is funny and enchanting from start to finish.  Williams and Dunst are adorably endearing, bringing to mind Alicia Silverstone’s Cher in Clueless.  And the clothes are absolutely adorable.  The biggest problem I had with the film was its portrayal of Woodward and Bernstein as bickering, inept idiots.  Since everyone else in the film was so incompetent, it seemed like overkill to me.  But their roles are rather tiny, and they don’t detract from the film’s overall charm.

But I’m a Cheerleader (1999):  Continuing with the 1999 theme, I watched this movie, directed by Jamie Babbit.  It’s about a teenage girl who’s sent to gay rehab when her parents suspect her of being a lesbian.  The film has a John Waters feel, with unusual costume choices and colorful sets.  The characters are of course extremely quirky.  The film is entertaining and funny, but it can be contrived at times, as if it’s trying too hard to be eccentric.  I would suggest it for fans of John Waters.

Sharktopus (2010):  See this movie.  It will define our generation.

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