Tag Archives: reviews

Spring Cleaning

I recently realized that many of my movie reviews arrive rather late.  I often post my thoughts about films which have been out for months or years, sometimes even decades.  I’ve decided that my reviews for older films shouldn’t be in the same category as my reviews for newer releases, so I’ve reorganized my archives.

My reviews of new releases will receive the label “Review,” my reviews of older films which I should have watched by now with receive the label “Playing Catch-Up,” and my reviews of more obscure films which I have happened upon will receive the label “Have You Seen It?”  It’s my way of keeping my posts organized and properly categorized, to lend some order to my rapidly growing catalog of posts.  I’m the Martha Stewart of blog posts, if you will.  Hopefully this will make my blog archive a bit easier for new readers to navigate should they decide to read older posts, which I hope they do.

By the way, I’m aware that the majority of my readers likely find their way here through one of my “So Bad It’s Good” or “Fashion on Film” posts, another reason that I’ve decided to better categorize and label my posts and have recently added new, more specific categories such as “Side by Side” and “The Disney Renaissance.”  It’s just another way to change the style and organization of my blog as it nears it second anniversary and its 140th post.

Let me know what you think of the changes in the comments or tweet me @jillconway.

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